Java Operators

They are used to manipulate primitive data types. Java operators can be classified as unary, binary, or ternary—meaning taking one, two, or three arguments, respectively. A unary operator may appear
before (prefix) its argument or after (postfix) its argument. A binary or ternary operator appears between its arguments.

Operators in java fall into 8 different categories:

Java operators fall into eight different categories: assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, compound assignment, conditional, and type.

 Assignment Operators    =
 Arithmetic Operators     -    +   *   /   %   ++   --
 Relational Operators    >  <   >=      <=    ==   !=
 Logical Operators      &&    ||    &  |  !   ^ 
 Bit wise Operator      &   |   ^  >>   >>> 
 Compound Assignment Operators    +=     -=    *=    /=    %=   
                                             <<=  >>=  >>>=   
Conditional Operator          ?:

Java has eight different operator types: assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, compound assignment, conditional, and type.

Assignment operators

The java assignment operator statement has the following syntax:

<variable> = <expression>

If the value already exists in the variable it is overwritten by the assignment operator (=).

public class AssignmentOperatorsDemo {

	public AssignmentOperatorsDemo() {
		//	        Assigning Primitive Values
		int j, k;
		j = 10; // j gets the value 10.
		j = 5; // j gets the value 5. Previous value is overwritten.
		k = j; // k gets the value 5.
		System.out.println("j is : " + j);
		System.out.println("k is : " + k);
		//	        Assigning References
		Integer i1 = new Integer("1");
		Integer i2 = new Integer("2");
		System.out.println("i1 is : " + i1);
		System.out.println("i2 is : " + i2);
		i1 = i2;
		System.out.println("i1 is : " + i1);
		System.out.println("i2 is : " + i2);
		//	        Multiple Assignments
		k = j = 10; // (k = (j = 10))
		System.out.println("j is : " + j);
		System.out.println("k is : " + k);
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		new AssignmentOperatorsDemo();

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Arithmetic operators

Java provides eight Arithmetic operators. They are for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo (or remainder), increment (or add 1), decrement (or subtract 1), and negation. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different arithmetic operators in java.

The binary operator + is overloaded in the sense that the operation performed is determined by the type of the operands. When one of the operands is a String object, the other operand is implicitly converted to its string representation and string concatenation is performed.

String message = 100 + "Messages"; //"100 Messages"

public class ArithmeticOperatorsDemo {

	public ArithmeticOperatorsDemo() {
		int x, y = 10, z = 5;
		x = y + z;
		System.out.println("+ operator resulted in " + x);
		x = y - z;
		System.out.println("- operator resulted in " + x);
		x = y * z;
		System.out.println("* operator resulted in " + x);
		x = y / z;
		System.out.println("/ operator resulted in " + x);
		x = y % z;
		System.out.println("% operator resulted in " + x);
		x = y++;
		System.out.println("Postfix ++ operator resulted in " + x);
		x = ++z;
		System.out.println("Prefix ++ operator resulted in " + x);
		x = -y;
		System.out.println("Unary operator resulted in " + x);
		// Some examples of special Cases
		int tooBig = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1; // -2147483648 which is
		// Integer.MIN_VALUE.
		int tooSmall = Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1; // 2147483647 which is
		// Integer.MAX_VALUE.
		System.out.println("tooBig becomes " + tooBig);
		System.out.println("tooSmall becomes " + tooSmall);
		System.out.println(4.0 / 0.0); // Prints: Infinity
		System.out.println(-4.0 / 0.0); // Prints: -Infinity
		System.out.println(0.0 / 0.0); // Prints: NaN
		double d1 = 12 / 8; // result: 1 by integer division. d1 gets the value
		// 1.0.
		double d2 = 12.0F / 8; // result: 1.5
		System.out.println("d1 is " + d1);
		System.out.println("d2 iss " + d2);
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		new ArithmeticOperatorsDemo();

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Relational operators

Relational operators in Java are used to compare 2 or more objects. Java provides six relational operators:

greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal (>=), less than or equal (<=), equal (==), and not equal (!=).

All relational operators are binary operators, and their operands are numeric expressions.

Binary numeric promotion is applied to the operands of these operators. The evaluation results in a boolean value. Relational operators have precedence lower than arithmetic operators, but higher than that of the assignment operators. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different relational operators in java.

public class RelationalOperatorsDemo {
   public RelationalOperatorsDemo( ) { 

     int x = 10, y = 5;
     System.out.println("x > y : "+(x > y));
     System.out.println("x < y : "+(x < y));
     System.out.println("x >= y : "+(x >= y));
     System.out.println("x <= y : "+(x <= y));
     System.out.println("x == y : "+(x == y));
     System.out.println("x != y : "+(x != y));

     public static void main(String args[]){
             new RelationalOperatorsDemo();

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Logical operators

Logical operators return a true or false value based on the state of the Variables. There are six logical, or boolean, operators. They are AND, conditional AND, OR, conditional OR, exclusive OR, and NOT. Each argument to a logical operator must be a boolean data type, and the result is always a boolean data type. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different Logical operators in java.

public class LogicalOperatorsDemo {

	public LogicalOperatorsDemo() {
		boolean x = true;
		boolean y = false;
		System.out.println("x & y : " + (x & y));
		System.out.println("x && y : " + (x && y));
		System.out.println("x | y : " + (x | y));
		System.out.println("x || y: " + (x || y));
		System.out.println("x ^ y : " + (x ^ y));
		System.out.println("!x : " + (!x));
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		new LogicalOperatorsDemo();

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Given that x and y represent boolean expressions, the boolean logical operators are defined in the Table below.




x & y

x && y

x | y

x || y

x ^ y

























Bitwise operators

Java provides Bit wise operators to manipulate the contents of variables at the bit level.

These variables must be of numeric data type ( char, short, int, or long). Java provides seven bitwise

operators. They are AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, Complement, Left-shift, Signed Right-shift, and Unsigned Right-shift. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different Bit wise operators in java.

 public class BitwiseOperatorsDemo {
  public BitwiseOperatorsDemo() {
    int x = 0xFAEF; //1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
    int y = 0xF8E9; //1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
    int z; System.out.println("x & y : " + (x & y));
    System.out.println("x | y : " + (x | y));
    System.out.println("x ^ y : " + (x ^ y));
    System.out.println("~x : " + (~x));
    System.out.println("x << y : " + (x << y));
    System.out.println("x >> y : " + (x >> y));
    System.out.println("x >>> y : " + (x >>> y));
    //There is no unsigned left shift operator

  public static void main(String args[])
     new BitwiseOperatorsDemo(); 


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The result of applying bitwise operators between two corresponding bits in the operands is shown in the Table below.




A & B

A | B

A ^ B



























 * The below program demonstrates bitwise operators keeping in mind operator precedence
 * Operator Precedence starting with the highest is -> |, ^, &

public class BitwisePrecedenceEx {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int a = 1 | 2 ^ 3 & 5;
		int b = ((1 | 2) ^ 3) & 5;
		int c = 1 | (2 ^ (3 & 5));
		System.out.print(a + "," + b + "," + c);

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Compound operators

The compound operators perform shortcuts in common programming operations. Java has eleven compound assignment operators.


argument1 operator = argument2.

The above statement is the same as, argument1 = argument1 operator argument2. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different Compound operators in java.

public class CompoundOperatorsDemo {

	public CompoundOperatorsDemo() {
		int x = 0, y = 5;
		x += 3;
		System.out.println("x : " + x);
		y *= x;
		System.out.println("y :  " + y);
		/*Similarly other operators can be applied as shortcuts. Other 

		 compound assignment operators include boolean logical 

		 , bitwiseand shift operators*/
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		new CompoundOperatorsDemo();

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Conditional operators

The Conditional operator is the only ternary (operator takes three arguments) operator in Java. The operator evaluates the first argument and, if true, evaluates the second argument. If the first argument evaluates to false, then the third argument is evaluated. The conditional operator is the expression equivalent of the if-else statement. The conditional expression can be nested and the conditional operator associates from right to left: (a?b?c?d:e:f:g) evaluates as (a?(b?(c?d:e):f):g)

An example program is shown below that demonstrates the Ternary operator in java.

public class TernaryOperatorsDemo {

	public TernaryOperatorsDemo() {
		int x = 10, y = 12, z = 0;
		z = x > y ? x : y;
		System.out.println("z : " + z);
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		new TernaryOperatorsDemo();

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 * The following programs shows that when no explicit parenthesis is used then the
 conditional operator
 * evaluation is from right to left

public class BooleanEx1 {

	static String m1(boolean b) {
		return b ? "T" : "F";
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		boolean t1 = false ? false : true ? false : true ? false : true;
		boolean t2 = false ? false
				: (true ? false : (true ? false : true));
		boolean t3 = ((false ? false : true) ? false : true) ? false
				: true;
		System.out.println(m1(t1) + m1(t2) + m1(t3));



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Type conversion allows a value to be changed from one primitive data type to another. Conversion can occur explicitly, as specified in

the program, or implicitly, by Java itself. Java allows both type widening and type narrowing conversions.

In java Conversions can occur by the following ways:

Operator Precedence

The order in which operators are applied is known as precedence. Operators with a higher precedence are applied before operators with a lower precedence. The operator precedence order of Java is shown below. Operators at the top of the table are applied before operators lower down in the table. If two operators have the same precedence, they are applied in the order they appear in a statement.

That is, from left to right. You can use parentheses to override the default precedence.

postfix [] . () expr++ expr--
unary ++expr --expr +expr -expr ! ~
creation/cast new (type)expr
multiplicative * / %
additive + -
shift >> >>>
relational < <= > >= instanceof
equality == !=
bitwise AND &
bitwise exclusive OR ^
bitwise inclusive OR |
logical AND &&
logical OR ||
ternary ?:
assignment = "op="


In an operation such as,

result = 4 + 5 * 3

First (5 * 3) is evaluated and the result is added to 4 giving the Final Result value as 19. Note that '*' takes higher precedence than '+' according to chart shown above. This kind of precedence of one operator over another applies to all the operators.


1. How to generate a random number between 1 to x, x being a whole number greater than 1

Ans: double result = x * Math.random();

Java Expressions

An expression is a syntactic construction that has a value. Expressions are formed by combining variables, constants, and method returned values using operators. Java expressions can have side-effects, which are actions that are executed when the expression is evaluated. In particular, an assignment expression is usually used for its side effect of assigning a new value to a variable. Method invokations also frequently have side effects.


The name of a variable by itself is an expression. The expression value is the current value of the variable.


The name of a constant by itself is an expression. A literal constant is also an expression. In either case, the expression value is the value of the constant.

Method Returned Values

A syntactically correct method invokation is an expression if the method does not have void return type. To be syntactically correct, a method invokation must have one argument for each parameter of the method. The arguments must be expressions separated by commas. The value of each expression must be convertable to the type declared for the corresponding parameter. The expression value of a method invokation is the value specified in the return statement of the method.

Operators, Precedence, and Associativity

Operators are tokens that are used to combine values in expressions. When evaluating an expression, Java uses precedence and associativity rules to determine the order in which operators are applied. These rules mostly are derived from the C language precedence and associativity rules.

Assignment Expressions

An assignment expression has the following form.

    variable-expression assignment-operator expression
The variable expression can be just the name of a variable, or it can be an expression that selects a variable using array indices. The value type of the right-hand-side expression must be compatible with the variable type.

An assignment expression is most often used for its side effect: it changes the value of the variable selected by the variable expression to the value of the expression on the right-hand side. The value of the assignment expression is the value that is assigned to the selected variable.

In most common assignment expressions, the assignment operator is =. Then the assignment expression has the following form.

    variable-expression = expression

The Java arithmetic and bitwise operators can be combined with = to form assignment operators. For example, the += assignment operator indicates that the right-hand side should be added to the variable, and the *= assignment operator indicates that the right-hand side should be multiplied into the variable.